วันจันทร์ที่ 17 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2550


My name is Tata. I’m Thai my location on Bangkok, Thailand. I’m 15 years old boy. I have 4 people in family father, mother, younger sister and me. I got black hair and black eyes. I don’t drinker and smoker. I like music. My favorite music genres is Electronic, Heavy metal, S-ka and Jazz. My favorite bands is X-Japan, T-square, Gorillaz, Goose, Euphoria and Jazz Kamikaze.
I love to play piano and drum. I study piano for 10 years ago. At beginner I study classical music. I grade 3 but now I don’t study classical music I study jazz music and I play drum. I study jazz drum I like drum. I play drum for 4 years.
I love animal like dog cat and rat. My favorite T.V. shows is NFL. NFL is about America sport. I like to play football and basketball. It’s very fun. My favorite movie is Lord of The Ring it very important.
Thank you for coming good luck. .